
Registrars do more than offering places for people to sign up, they are essential in spreading the word about Unified Numbering. Those who climb the ladder to become Registrars represent everyone in the process of introducing the project to individuals in their localities and countries. For now there will only be Registrars for personal United IDs however the other four classes will soon follow. The unveiling of more incredibly exciting opportunities and ground breaking uses for Unified Numbering comes in Phase IV of Sunrise.

The number of Unified Numbering Registrars in any given area is dictated by population using recent estimates obtained from the CIA. The requirement is a maximum of 1 Registrar for every 20 million people in any particular country. For instance, the US, will only have about 15 Registrars while India will get about 58, and the UK will have 3. A single Registrar will also be licensed for countries with 2 to 20 million people. (as of current, about 88 countries fit this parameter). The assignments for each area are made using said CIA estimates and postal codes.

Although most people will have registered their personal United IDs over the course of the next several years, the need for Registrars will continue as young people grow up and new people are born. And of equal if not more significance is the need for Registrars for alternate uses of Unified Numbering. A few examples are assigning United IDs to organizations, groups, animals, vehicles and all kinds of personal possessions and objects.

Registrars are operated by everyday people which means there’s an exciting opportunity for individuals who are interested in the business side of Unified Numbering. Although there are a couple of other stipulations, the essential requirement to become a Registrar is to climb the ladder of Identification to the 8th level which requires them to have directly instrumented at least $500,000 in contributions to the Project. (Only $100,000 during Phase III)

People operating as Personal Unified Numbering Registrars can only do so for a period of 2 years or until they reach a gross income cap of $2,000,000 each (in U.S. dollars) whichever occurs first.

The cap is set as such to promote the successes of as many people as possible. With a little planning, anyone who makes a million plus in a couple years can easily live the rest of their lives free of financial worries. Upon reaching either their monetary or time limit, each Registrar must turn over his or her Registrarship to another qualified user of their choosing.

So, while being a Registrar isn’t a lifetime job, it can be a lifetime success. This is especially true during the early days with the global roll out of Unified Numbering. Although not required, most Registrars will want to advertise. The amount they spend is entirely up to them but the motivation is there for at least three good reasons;

• Higher ranking Registrarships are worth more to incoming Registrars.

• Succeeding in a short window of time is always more attractive and;

• Achieving the gross income cap of $2m within 2 yrs results in the maximum amount of profits available to them.

Registrarships are by design, naturally competitive which assures the best pricing on registrations to the public. The first and only Registrar in Phase II is Numbername, the House Registrar.



Numbername will likely always be the House Registrar for Unified Numbering. After the Billion Dollar Phreb Numbername will cease discounting of Numbernames to allow private Registrars to come aboard on a “level or better” playing field by offering competitive incentives and discounts of their own. Since getting Registrars set up in each country/region will take time, Numbername is where anyone can to register their Personal United IDs and/or Numbernames in the interims.

Numbername is also the holder of the only Unified Numbering payment gateway on the network. All transactions with any House Service Provider, including other Registrars as they become available, will be processed through the same gateway and will appear on statements as purchases made from Unified Numbering. This keeps things simple and clear for everyone to keep track of on their credit card/bank statements. And since privacy is obviously a paramount purpose across the board with Unified Numbering, it should go without saying that no personal information will ever be sold or shared for any purpose.

Also, Numbername is the only place where purchase information will be stored (if you want it there for convenience). Nothing will remain at Numbername or any other Registrar or Provider other than the basic record of transactions. (Transaction ID, Date, Cost and PUN or Numbername) Privacy is one of the most important features of Unified Numbering as a whole and a pre-requisite core value for all it’s Partners.

The Registry