Registrars (Summary)


Unified Numbering has no current purpose nor goal of more importance than building a strong base. This is why uniting people within the network will be an excellent paying job for users. And those who excel can become Private Registrars.

Registrars are everyday people who are not schooled, prepped, picked or promoted by anyone. It is an opportunity given based on the level of ones success with bringing new users into the network.

Anyone can do it by using Unified Numberings unique marketing methods along with simple, fast and direct payout system. Marketing is via a refreshing, person to person, word of mouth manner that’s fair and honest to all parties. A throwback to ways of better days.

Those who set out on this path can make a lot of money on their ways to becoming Registrars and then much more once established. And then more again in the form of hefty bonuses when finished doing their jobs for their locales. We don’t know exactly how all this is going to manifest but we’re going to see to it that Registrars are paid well for their help in expanding the network for everyone.

This on-boarding carried out by Registrars in each locale could be finished in as little of time as a few months or as much as a few years but either way, it’s a fast track to success and security with and for Unified Numbering.

But since their numbers are based on populations, there can only be a limited number of Registrars in business at any given time around the globe. The good news is that anyone can get started for free right now. This makes setting out to become a Registrar a golden opportunity like no other.


The Registry (Summary)
Providers (Summary)