Unified Numbering has two forms of providers, one for products and the other for services. Some providerships will be ran by the house but most will be owned by private parties. The success of these privately owned businesses depends mostly on the level of quality, benefits and uniqueness they offer to users of the network.
However, Unified Numbering has a new concept for business owners, one much better suited for their success and user satisfaction. Imagine having several competing products or services in an isolated town of say 100,000 people. Then build a system where everyone can leave reviews for others to find out which businesses are most deserving of their support.
It’s kind of like the good old days when a town was basically the world to its residents and word of mouth was all it took to support good businesses while avoiding thieves and cheaters. This kind of peer pressure system has always worked incredibly well but our voices don’t carry the distances needed in our world wide towns of today. We need a global vehicle to carry our opinions and reviews. When this info becomes readily available to consumers in one common format on a global scale, everything is going to change.
Similar to many popular auction and shopping sites in existence, the sellers are rated and those with better scores will succeed greater. Sometimes to the point of putting the bad ones out of business and rightly so. That’s the free market functioning as it should but these electronic reviews take things up a notch, they’re the key. For without them, consumers wouldn’t know any better and the process of purchasing anything, especially sight unseen would become even riskier than it already is.
Unified Numbering will provide a very robust review system for users to use on businesses. The same system will also be used for scoring politicians, teachers, police and each other. In the business sense, it’s sort of a consumer reporting agency with scores that are automatically compiled and updated by everyone based on a set of standards adopted for each sector.
Businesses with good scores will do better than those with poor scores to a very pronounced degree. Some people already go out to read reviews about products and services before they buy them, but the majority don’t. And even for those who do, the reviews can be biased or forged so there’s much left to be desired. Numbercredit makes it reliable and automatic by attaching the scores right to the businesses information wherever they’re viewed in the network or the Directory. Those being reviewed will be forced to buck up and take note about things. They’ll be required to change for the better which is good for them, and everyone involved with them.
But there’s another angle to it all. Some businesses have been downright dirty for a very long time. They’ve had their way with everyone for years, decades and some for centuries. They’re not good companies and this is where the push button revolution of Numbercredit inside the Unified Numbering Network comes in very handy.
Everyone’s gotten an email or heard a rumor about boycotting this or that but not enough people ever take them seriously enough to make a difference. They’re just not organized for it, but Unified Numbering is. Taking back control over our lives is exactly what this network is for. And pushing bullies into corners could become one it’s most popular fortes. Strength in numbers is strength indeed. Getting together works, in more ways than most can imagine. There is so much to be gained from being together, it can boggle the mind.
And if stopping scummy business practices doesn’t happen by the review process or boycott, there’s another way. A more sure fire way. We as a group with plenty of cash can either start our own versions of the businesses or take over the existing ones. This is a fantastically liberating idea that will work wonders for many industries long plagued with problems. It’s how we can clean up the market place and enjoy zero BS from corporate bullies. In the end, jjust our getting together is a very serious threat to them.
And many new businesses will start from scratch specifically for the network. These are providers which will have a shoe in and that’s a good thing. Many Unified Numbering Product and Service Providers will come aboard on contract with users of the network with stipulations and limitations which are naturally beneficial to users. The trade off is that they can have far more guaranteed success. It’s kind of like shooting ducks on a pond except there’s strict bag limits which are pre-defined by the ducks, aka users.
The best way to sum it all up would be in calling this facet of Unified Numbering a buyers club on steroids. Capitalism and the free market remain fully in tact with better informed/armed consumers. It really is a throwback to simpler times with a technological twist which happens a lot with Unified Numbering.
It’s important to realize that the project could have went the standard route entirely by selling out with contracts to existing companies or by cherry picking select industries and operating the Providerships in house. But there would be far more to do around here in terms of getting out of the gate and of course zero opportunities for start ups. Neither would be good and it goes against the spirt of things anyway. It’s time we do business in manners focused on the well being of people, the environment and society.
Those are each reason enough but there’s a few more. By having private parties come in as Providers in certain industries we experience some very attractive benefits while accomplishing several extremely important objectives, as follows;
• Assured Compliance with Antitrust Laws
• No Direct Development or Marketing Costs for the Network
• Minimal Risks and Liability from the Use of Network Resources
• Excellent Continuity in Fostering the Success of Others
• No Dissolution of Purpose
• Ultimate Control For Users
• Open Environment for Attracting a Broad Base of Entrepreneurs
• Unhindered, Simultaneous Expansion Into Multitudes of Industries
It’s a big world out there and even the most creative of people will find that trying to imagine all the different uses for Unified Numbering is virtually impossible. The landscape is vast and the opportunities are exciting to be sure. It seems that everyone has an idea or two for the next incredible Providership. And who knows, today’s daydream could be tomorrow’s real dream.
Users may want the House to provide certain services in select industries to make them cheaper or free to use. Some Private Providers may be free as well but since there’s no 3rd party advertising allowed anywhere on the network, most will have to charge someone for their services. That might be another company with whom they’re associated, the Network or it could be users individually but if so, at everyones discretion via public decision.
This is an equitable and preferred arrangement for all. An example is “AKAme”, which will be Unified Numberings first Social Network. AKAme is giving away up to 20 million free lifetime accounts to those who join during Phase III after which all future memberships will cost a minimal annual fee. We’re expecting something around two or three bucks per year, or maybe even less. It will depend on what storage and bandwidth costs are that the time which is in a constant state of flux as technology changes. Thankfully, it’s getting cheaper.
It’s believed that AKAme will be a prime example of how things work in terms of success for Private Service Providers. However, all Providers within the Unified Numbering Network are contractually bound by strict rules in terms of profits they can make from Unified Numbering Users. (ie; the aforementioned duck on a pond reference) It’s all spelled out in the Agreement Providers operate under but here’s the gist;
First, unless approved otherwise by Users via majority vote, income for Providers is limited to a pre-defined percentage of their investment on an annual schedule. Said percentage will vary in different industries. (The term investment is defined as the total amount of money spent towards research and development for the service/s over the initial 3 year period and the term “profit” means all additional monies generated above and beyond annual maintenance costs once they’ve recaptured their investment in gross income.)
Executive wages, advertising costs and proceeds to investors, if any, are not taken into account towards their investments. And all profits earned above the margin are redirected to the Preferred Capital Fund where they will be used to expand the network and its services for users. The bottom line is that Unified Numbering users pay extremely minimal “middleman” margins if any, which will prove to be a massive reduction in costs for Users on any number of common living expenses.
After 3 years in operation each Providership will go into evaluation status where they negotiations are made for another 3 year stint. Or, if unilaterally agreed by a member vote, they may be retired or purchased by the house. If the latter, the purchase amount shall be equal to the Providers overall investment plus 25% after which it will become a House Provider thereby reducing consumer middlemen margins to zero.
This has obvious benefits for users unlike any other business model in existence. Providers have to earn their successes to enjoy them in comparative moderation with the express consent and support of users ongoing. And when any Provider has member support, they’re assured a certain amount of confidence to be around without competitors simply because users truly want these kind of Providers to succeed
It’s a bit of a deviation from the old “competition is good” idea. In truth, a lack of need for competition is a far better route in many instances. With a little thought you’ll likely agree it makes all the sense in the world. For instance, no one really wants 20 cell phone companies. What we’d really like is just a few awesome phone companies or maybe even just one with excellent products, services and prices! By having users become the investors who own the companies, they win big. And just imagine never hearing another cell co ad!
And the employees of these companies will win big too. With so many losses stopped, wages can and will be better. And it’s all naturally achievable in this environment. As the project grows so will its funds which can be used to purchase or build just about any kind of Providership one can imagine. Arrangements like these are bound to make both Providers and users happy but with Unified Numbering, it’s always the users who ultimately call the shots. Private Providers will begin coming aboard in phase IV.

AKAme is an great example of what new Providers do, in this case the industry is Social Networking. AKAme will be the world’s first social network to utilize the amazingly rich connectivity from Unified Numbering’s information keyway and content management system.
AKAmes connection to the Unified Numbering Network will allow Users to create and maintain lifelong contact with each other, businesses and governments with whatever amount of anonymity they choose, ongoing. What this means is that each person or entity you communicate or transact with will only have the info you want them to have at any given time.
Users from other Social Networks will be able to migrate from one to another with just one click. No new sign ups or new user names to come up with and all their information goes wherever they go, instantly. Oh, and did we mention no ads!