Capitalism v 2.0

Capitalism can be one of the most compelling benefits of living in a free society. It’s brought financial freedom to millions and offers opportunity to all. However, there are downsides, a common one being inflated pricing on products and services. This is due to certain entities who are always somewhere between you and what you desire. They’re the middlemen and although some are beneficial, most aren’t.

They’re all desirous for a slice of your pie, the bigger the better. And the larger the business, the more you’re likely to serve them. The ones focused on herein have somehow gone under every ones radar to the point of open acceptance. People don’t even question how much of their money is going to them.

The middlemen we’re talking about for now are investment and media related. These money suckers add almost no value to our products or services yet consistently walk away with big fat slices of pie while exerting obscene amounts of control over everyone. Regardless of how much of a fuss this creates (and it will) there’s just no getting around it. We the people need new platforms for doing big business.

Let’s begin with case in point by considering how a new company traditionally raises money. It has significant long term effects to it’s benefit and detriment and since the company we’re talking about here is Unified Numbering which is essentially your company, you might be inclined to care. Each companies’ scenario is different but one thing is consistent, having adequate capital is a necessary part of launching any new product or service.

Such capital traditionally comes from banks, venture capitalists or angel investors, all of which can have major costs and sticky strings attached. They want big interest on their money with control and/or large stakes of ownership in the companies. This inherently sets a different kind of goal for any new company; to get more money from customers to pay the Money Shufflers!

Interest isn’t a big deal but finding someone who doesn’t want it, along with control and/or ownership, is just about impossible. Control is a scary thing to give away because it’s not just the company that ultimately pays the costs. It’s the customers who will always bear this type of burden in the form of paying higher prices for products and services.

For whatever reason this is a mysteriously fleeting realization for most folks. The idea that a company or government can spend money without directly effecting its customers or citizens is asinine, accounting is not a new idea. There’s a cost to everything and when something costs something, someone is going to pay for it. Whether it be healthcare in the emergency room or in the form of preventive care, war, natural disasters, advertisements, a CEOs bonus or interest on a business loan it’s going to cost somebody. And that someone is you, the consumer.

Investors are just that, investors. They want money and they will use whatever control they have to see to it that they make as much as possible. And the more they make, the more customers pay. Again, there’s no way around it. The bottom line is that whoever finances a company will reap the benefits when the company succeeds. That’s the very essence of capitalism and it could make pretty good sense.

The problems we’re seeing with economies around the world aren’t due to capitalism itself. The real issues lie in profit driven corporate structures, patent systems, financialization and banking. But rather than getting into all that why not just get to the solution………….

Wouldn’t it be nice if customers of corporations were the only ones to reap the benefits from their success? Imagine what it would be like if some of our largest corporations could have avoided selling out to profit seeking investors so that a different kind of investor could take their place. An investor that was positioned to care about the companies products, services, employees, customers and fringe benefits to them more than profits. Someone who would never sell out or make poor decisions that leave the company and its customers adrift.

Imagine a new company being created by everyday people who each micro invest $10, $20, $100 or whatever other amount they’d like to help build it. One of the purposes of the company would be to use its funds for taking over existing companies and starting some new ones. Since the customers take the place of investors, they care about money too. Except they’re not looking to make money on their micro investments, but rather to save money by receiving massive discounts on all the products and services provided by the companies they’ve invested in. This is the ultimate solution for removal of middlemen.

The idea is that these investors stand to make out far better than most profit seeking ones. The money they save on products and services is just as good as anything one can make off investments. In fact it’s better because the money pocketed from savings is tax free! Another major factor is these kind of businesses’ don’t have expensive advertising budgets, high paid CEOs nor stock dividends. So, along with getting products and services at cost all that money gets passed back to the customers in the form of lower production costs on everything they buy. And what about the control investors have? Maybe the customers should have that too…….

For instance, if this had happened with your phone company in it’s infancy, how much would your phone bill be today? Maybe $50/mth instead of $100? That’s probably not too far off. In this example rather than spending $1,200/yr you only spend $600. But that’s just an example, the savings would be far greater in many others with some being as much as 90% off or more. The truth is there’s really no end to where this can go with any product or service. And these companies would be stronger because people like you, it’s customers would be heavily interested and active parties in wanting the businesses to succeed.

This is a whole new way of identifying the real middlemen and it’s true in just about every example of big business. A large amount of money we spend on products and services goes towards unnecessary overhead like advertising and investment returns. That money fabulously enriches the lives of an elitist few while driving up prices for the products and services each of us rely upon throughout our lives. This is a big deal for 99% of people.

Consumers lost nearly $540 Billion Dollars in 2010 on advertising, the vast majority of which is entirely useless and detrimental to them. The only good thing about advertising is that it’s often a form of entertainment and creativity expressed by artists. Unfortunately they’re working for soulless corporations who only want to brainwash everyone.

The following is stated elsewhere herein but deserves repeating; In 2010 the average US child was subjected to 20,000 ads per year and the average adult spends 61 minutes per day, the equivalent of 45, 8 hour days per year getting blasted by ads on the internet, TV and mobile devices. That’s nuts and we have to do something because it’s eroding at the very core of our lives. There’s more to life than being consumers who make corporations, bankers and politicians rich.

Thankfully, like most of our systems the current structure of Capitalism only needs some small tweeks to create a whole new environment for Unified Numbering and its users. One far beyond that of the normal “business vs. customer” which is cursed with greed, corruption and adversarial discontent from the get go. We need a business model that works with the customer so the customers can truly support the business.

And there’s the real key to harmonious existence between customers and businesses, supporting each other. When a company takes money from money shufflers and is forced to sign away ownership and control, the tone is pretty well set. Even if the companies’ original purpose was pure as the driven snow and its creators had only the best of intent, they still sold out and it’s going to cost someone. But who is that someone?

You guessed it, you, the customer who will then and forever bear the agony and expenses of being indirectly married to the insatiable money shufflers. But it doesn’t have to be this way with Unified Numbering, and it isn’t. Consider a scenario of say, a hundred million people from the general public getting together to invest $20 each in a new company that promises to act only in manners beneficial and subservient to it’s customers.

Hey, that’s 2 billion dollars! That ought to be enough to get a start on a few big things. And what if the company promises it will respect it’s new investors with simple, common courtesies and act responsibly in the use of all the capital provided. This would include not wasting the money on advertisements, premium office spaces, ridiculous pay scales, lavish vacations, nudie bars, champagne parties, golf courses, corporate condos, etc.

Would people support this new company and tell others about it? Of course they will, it’s in their and everyone’s best interest! We as consumers will happily support and refer others to businesses that we like because they treat us well while providing top notch products and services at the lowest possible costs. And again, paying less for products and services can equal a huge sums of cash saving for everyone.

Sometimes how much money you save, is of far more importance than how much money you make. The amount of money we’re talking about here is no joke. And if you’re on a set income, saving money is the only guaranteed method for obtaining real financial success/freedom. Aside from a bag of gold falling from the sky, being frugal with your purchases is the only way you’re going to end up with more cash in your pocket, it’s the only option.

Consider the fact that when you receive money, it means the hardest part (the work) is done. From that point forward the only way to have more success, is to save more of the money you have. And remember, saving money costs you nothing, it’s free.

Many financially successful people know this simple fact and most of them will go to great lengths to save a penny wherever they can. It’s a habit, and a good one! However it’s not always easy, the middlemen like your money too and with good reason because they’re getting a lot of it! Imagine if just a third of the money you’ve ever spent on phone bills, utilities, interest, fuel, clothes and etc. were setting in your bank account making interest right this minute.

They say if the average American with an income of $40k/yr were to save 10% of everything earned they’d be a millionaire by 60. And they’re not lying, it’s absolutely true. Saving just $400/mth at 10% interest from age 25 to age 60 results in over $1.5 Million in the bank! Who needs social security?

That’s if you made $40k/yr and were only able to save 10%of what you earn. But what if you don’t even have 10% of your income leftover to save? The only answer is to remove some of the middlemen. As of 2011, there’s over 1,200 Billionaires and about 25 Million Millionaires in the World. And guess what, a lot of these people are middlemen and a good majority of the rest are those who invested in them.

With Unified Numbering and a very minuscule amount of effort on everyone’s part, changing the financial systems of the world is something each of us can take part in and benefit greatly from. This idea has been coined as “Capitalism v2.0”. It’s all about coming together to build customer friendly organizations created and controlled by users that work better, cost less and grow a new economy for the middle class.

Much of this concept isn’t new, just forgotten. People in villages of yestercenturies operated very effectively and happily without ad pushers or money shufflers. They lived together extremely well but somewhere along the lines we’ve been disbanded. And our existence as individuals in the economies of the world have been weakened by it ever since.

Sometimes, getting back to basics is the only thing that works. You can take part in Unified Numbering right now by simply joining together with each other to begin the process. There are many options in how you come aboard, one of which is free. And no matter what part anyone plays, it’s all good.

Those who can’t afford to contribute anything can sign up for free and receive a Personal Unified Number to get in the network which will allow them to refer others. So, there’s no shame in taking a freebie, quite the opposite actually. When their referrals join the network by making a contributions for purchasing their Numbernames, the referrer who came in for free gets a credit equal to the amount spent by those they’ve referred.

These credits are given to users in the form of “NumberBucks” and they can really add up. #Bucks can then be used by the person who joined for free to purchase a Numbername and/or be sold to others for cash which gets interesting quick.

So, when people contribute to Unified Numbering the first thing that happens is their money is turned into #Bucks. It might sound like funny money but it’s anything but. There are some serious opportunities and potential within the Unified Numbering network. And on that note, it’s important to remember that no currency is real. In the US the FED prints trillions at the drop of a hat out of thin air. But their reasons and ours are quite different.

Like the FED we have our own currency but it’s more flexible and easier to transfer amongst users anywhere inside or outside the world of Unified Numbering. NumberBucks can be sold, traded in barter, given to others or used for many Unified Numbering products and services in the future. It will be very interesting to see what all can be bought and sold with this new and futuristic virtual form of money, nothing’s out of the question.

And although the concepts of Capitalism 2.0 might be new they are very simple and the benefits are massive. In fact this it alone is a real shot at something bigger and better than anything people have ever attempted. But then Unified Numbering is our chance to do many, many great things and it’s here for the taking right now, with you. Think big and one day, you might smile big.

The "Do Over"