The NumberDex Directory (Summary)


A fair amount of Unified Numberings everyday functionality will come from the existence of its public Directory, the “Numberdex”. People will use the #Dex to connect to just about everything and everyone. All types of businesses will be listed, from local mom and pop operations to a remote and obscure branch of an international corporation. There’s no ads to slow things down so listings can be found quickly on screen or via voice command.

When completed the #Dex will also have current listings for every kind of government agency and public figure around the globe. We’re getting started on this by using it to call out Public Figures suspected of corruption, any level 3 or higher user can do this with anonymity. But the parts used most will be those in the personal sections of Directory. People will use it to store their contacts online but in ways unlike any other type of contact management system.

Another unique feature will come in the form of “Numbergroups” which will be used in several key areas of the Unified Numbering Network. And unlike all the other on line Directories, contact management services and social networks, no personally identifying information will be stored at #Dex.

To this end, being listed in the Directory or giving someone your United ID cannot result in leakage of your information from that persons recklessness nor for any other reason. Your info is always safe and easily accessible only by you with Unified Numbering and you will forever have ultimate control of all of it.


Facilitators (Summary)
Identification Levels (Summary)