Meet The Family (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION   Trademarks and top level domain names are getting extremely difficult to find. Most are already taken by other businesses and/or held by speculators which often ask 10s, 100s of thousands or millions of dollars to purchase them. Although buying one or two might not be a big deal, securing hundreds would […]
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The Registry (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION There can only be one overseeing authority for any provision of numbers, names, addresses or other identifiers within any given system. It’s what assures each identifier is unique and addressable. If this weren’t the case there would be chaos everywhere with duplicate zip codes, phone numbers, social security numbers, auto licenses, etc. […]
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Registrars (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION Unified Numbering has no current purpose nor goal of more importance than building a strong base. This is why uniting people within the network will be an excellent paying job for users. And those who excel can become Private Registrars. Registrars are everyday people who are not schooled, prepped, picked or promoted […]
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Providers (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION There are Service Providers and Product Providers either of which may be owned by the house or privately owned while under contract with the house. Either way, they’re both under direction by the popular will of users. And as with Registrars, either form of Private Providers present yet another major opportunity for […]
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Facilitators (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION Imagine how many people have unnecessary access to your sensitive and supposedly private information. Whether it be your credit cards, drivers license, phone numbers, email accounts, home or work addresses, blood type, height, weight, Passport/s, photos, fingerprints, bank accounts, social security #, buying habits, place of work, credit history, names of friends […]
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The NumberDex Directory (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION A fair amount of Unified Numberings everyday functionality will come from the existence of its public Directory, the “Numberdex”. People will use the #Dex to connect to just about everything and everyone. All types of businesses will be listed, from local mom and pop operations to a remote and obscure branch of […]
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Identification Levels (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION Unlike most networks these days, Unified Numbering is heavily focused on eliminating fake users and fraudulent activities. It uses the degree of assuredness over the identities of users along with a special kind of score in determining how much authority and what opportunities users have within and often outside the project. First, […]
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About (Summary)

READ FULL VERSION This picture represents a perfect dichotomy of how Unified Numbering works. As the story goes, in times of danger and strife, everyone depends on Superman to save the world. This of course enamors people with him in the same way Unified Numbering is fond of you. You are the hero and we’re […]
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