About The Foundation


The Unified Numbering Foundation represents Unified Numbering which is a working subsidiary of Unidigi. The foundation will become a stand alone organization upon being formally chartered as non-profit in Phase V of the projects development.

Current Purpose:

a. To provide a centralized source of up to date and accurate information surrounding the operations of the Unified Numbering Project.

b. To issue press releases on the part of Unidigi, its affiliates and subsidiaries.

c. To act as central office and place of record for incoming communications and correspondence for the Project.

d. To adopt, inform and distribute approved regulations.

e. To provide technical help to Providers, Facilitators and Registrars.

f. To receive, record and disseminate approved standards of inter operability for use within Unified Numbering.


The Foundations’ operations are funded by Unidigi with portions of monies it receives from licensing fees generated from Service Providers, Product Providers, Facilitators and Registrars as well as additional sums Unidigi may provide as deemed necessary. All contributions are welcome and will go to support the Unified Numbering Project as a whole.


If there are any questions regarding this agreement you may use the “Contact Us” button at the top of the page or by mail at the this address: 

Mail Drop:
30 N Gould Street Suite R
Sheridan, WY 82801

Please keep in mind that staffing resources may not allow for extended interaction with the general public at this time. We understand that many desire more information and we’d love to speak to everyone personally which is the effort at hand. However such communications along with many other resource intensive activities are on hold until mid term in phase III of Sunrise when operations will provide the Foundation with adequate funding for it’s expansion. Until then please check back often for updates and developments as they occur.